Batman Arkham Knight is one of the most anticipated games for all platforms like PS4, Xbox One and PC. The game was announced in March. Rocksteady is making a lot of promises in their third game. The game obviously stars the Dark Knight.
There has been a lot official statements and releases for the game. But off the books, there has been a lot going on too. Here is everything we know and don’t know about the game up to date.
Rocksteady Studios
Batman Arkham Knight is being developed by Rocksteady Studios. The same studio who developed Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. And yes, they have said that this is going to be the last part of the series. The finale.
Rocksteady is crafting the game with Unreal Engine 3. This was the same tech used behind Asylum and City.
“We’re excited to be developing the game for next gen platforms, which has allowed us to bring to life the design elements that we envisioned from the beginning such as the Batmobile and how it augments Batman’s abilities, to the fully detailed and realized Gotham City,” said director Sefton Hill.
Though several improvements were explained by the studio. One character form Arkham Knight is said to have as many polygons as an entire environment form Arkham Asylum. And that Batman’s cape and Gordon’s coat will move along with the wind. Also wrinkles would be seen when Gordon talks. He as aged a bit.
Batman Arkham Knight will bring several of Batman’s most evil and notorious enemies back in the game. This will include Penguin, Two-Face and Harley Quinn. All of them are united under Scarecrow. They now have a single objective, to kill the Batman.

Scarecrow, like always, uses his fear toxin to spread chaos and fear in the city. Most people fled the city due to the chaos and restlessness. Gotham is now under control of these supervillains, along with their army of mercenaries. The only one standing are Batman and an outgunned police force.

But Batman has an unexpected enemy in Batman Arkham Knight. This villain is known as Arkham Knight. The armor of the character resembles with Batman himself, except the logo that is different. There is still doubt as who is this mysterious person. According to fan theory he is Hush, Jason Todd or he could be any other criminal having a grudge against Batman.

Batman has still got many gadgets up his sleeve. They are identical to the one he used in Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. Many of these include batarangs, grapnel gun and line launcher. There is also a new batarang sensor which lets Batman to collect sensitive data from the environment.
Batman has allies as well. Barbara Gordon, a.k.a. Oracle, will provide tech support to him throughout the game. Her father, police commissioner James Gordon, leads the remnants of the GCPD throughout the city. Batman and Gordon have been working along with each other and gained there trust over the years.
“Those characters have been part of the Batman Universe for so long, but we, in the telling of this part of the story, wanted to ask ourselves: what happens when Batman goes to war?” said producer Dax Ginn. “What happens when the people that he loves start to pay the price for the decisions that he makes about his war on crime?”
By this we now know that the people he is working with, might just have to play the price.
Well this is one is in fact, a huge rumor. This rumor states that Superman himself would be a part of the game, friend or foe that is not clear.

However this bogus information comes to us from IMDB. The name of Superman goes on and off from the page of the game. We are not sure of anything as for now. Although there is no reason to get upset or happy until there is an official statement regarding the matter.
Batman Arkham Knight is going to be the first game which lets players to actually drive the sweet Batmobile. They can call the vehicle any time they want with a push of a button. This will help them to move across the city swiftly.

But this is not one of your ordinary transportation vehicles. This my friend is a heavily-armored war machine with several weapons (although Batman still doesn’t kill anyone with them). The weapons include a missile launcher, 60mm cannon and Vulcan gun. The Batmobile is pure badass.
Gotham City
The players of the Arkham Asylum and Arkham City have been deprived with most part of the city. Batman Arkham Knight will let you explore all of it. The world of the game is said to be five times the size of Arkham City.

While he is busy cleaning up the city’s mess, he won’t have time to make trips to Wayne Manor. Instead he has a mini-Batcave in the Gotham Clock Tower. This will be the base of operations for Oracle.
“We put a massive bar in there, because he’s always entertaining,” said Ginn. “So little things like that, that fit the way that we’ve interpreted Bruce Wayne. It’s awesome for us to just let loose and really come up with a creative space that we feel is true to the Arkham experience, but also true to Batman.”
And yes, Batman can also visit his swank penthouse apartment.
Release Date
Batman Arkham Knight was originally scheduled for a fall 2014 release. However the release date has been pushed back to Q1 2015.
“The very simple reason for doing this is to ensure we are delivering the awesome level of quality that Batman fans and gamers expect from this, the final episode and the epic conclusion to the Rocksteady Arkham trilogy,” said Ginn.
The Microsoft Store listed the game for a February 24th release. However they removed the date. The date might not be entirely accurate.