Pagan Online is an upcoming Hack ‘n’ Slash Online Action RPG that is coming to PC in 2019. The game lets you take on the role of powerful heroes battle vicious hordes of enemies and bosses based on pre-Christian mythology.
Pagan Online
Check out the announcement trailer for the Pagan Online below
From the description
The Gods are gone – their demise has left the world in turmoil. Dark forces the likes of which have never been seen before are amassing to tear the souls from those too weak to resist and devour whoever is left.
You as the player will become one of the Chosen, which have been described as follows
Become one of the Chosen, forces of nature hand-picked by fate to fight for their world. Battle for endless riches and forge artifacts of unspeakable power in your quest for glory. Carve a path through your enemies to claim the world as yours.
If you’re interested in how the gameplay feels like, check out this teaser trailer for it below as well
The game definitely has MOBA roots tied in with Diablo styled gameplay, as the developers described
“With Pagan Online we’ve worked hard to deliver a fast-paced and intense combat system that’s easy to pick up but difficult to master,” said Uros Banjesevic, Co-founder and Creative Director of Mad Head Games. “We took inspiration from MOBAs to create unique characters with specific skills and specialties, and when you put them into this type of combat system you end up with a family of fighters that do different things well in different scenarios.”
The developers have stressed on how there will be tons of loots for the players to gather and various characters that will bring new skills, abilities and gameplay styles that while is easy to pick up, but hard to master.

There are also procedurally generated areas and a focus on an organic storytelling way, that combine to give players unique encounters every time.
Pagan Online Trials Sign-Up
If you’re looking to get into the action as soon as possible, make sure you head to the link here, to Sign-Up for the trials and be given access to the game as early as possible

Pagan Online Screenshots
Check out the game in action in some screenshots below

While you’re here, make sure you read about some details about PS5 and the stuff we know so far.
What do you think about Pagan Online? Will you be signing up for the trials? Let us know in the comments below.