The Last of Us part 2 ending has been leaked with the game releasing in less than 24 hours. The leak happened due to early shipments by Amazon and other retailers. It is one of the most highly anticipated titles and PS4 exclusives that people have been waiting for almost 3 years since the first trailer was released.
One thing that makes the PlayStation 4 obliterating the console sales competition that it has one of the best exclusives. These exclusives are worthy of purchasing the console just to be to experience the dopamine rush when finishing that exclusive. The Last of Us is no different. That game along with God of War and a few other exclusives has skyrocketed the console sales to a huge margin compared to its rival Xbox One.
The Last of Us Part 2 Ending Leaked Online
The Last of US part 2 had a number of leaks in the past. One of them was a full one and a half-hour of gameplay footage that were reported in Canada or North America. A few days ago, it was rumored that the physical copies of The Last of Us part 2 were out and some people got their hands on it. The gameplay footage was also leaked which stirred up quite some controversy.

The Last of Us part 2 is on the way and is less than 24 hours away to the hands of the players. Due to early shipments by Amazon and other retailers, the ending has been leaked just like the gameplay leaked a few months ago.
If you are excited about the part you should avoid the internet as the game arrives in less than 24 hours to the public. The endings were posted by Reddit user u/Donato_Andrea and as we care about our readers we will not upload the endings on this post. So, be wary of these spoilers and try not to surf the internet a lot to avoid spoilers.