Team Fortress 2008 Coming in January 2019, Brings Back Original Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 was initially released in October 2007 and it picked up massive momentum in 2008. Back then the game was a simple premise that pit class versus class with a great variety of weapons and selection of gadgets for each class. As the updates came, the game introduced randomized weapons with stats, cosmetics, and the game in its current state is a shadow of its former self. Team Fortress 2008 uses the formula that made the first game great, it is a free-to-play mod that requires Team Fortress 2 and is coming January 11th, 2019.

UPDATE: The game has been removed from the Steam Store listing. We will update this story if it gets relisted.

If you are also frustrated with the current state of Team Fortress 2, you are welcome to wait for Team Fortress 2008 which takes the game back to basics. Say goodbye to cosmetic items, weapons with stats and power-ups, and other stuff that has made the current game a convoluted mess. The game goes back to its roots with the help of this fan-made mod that is now on the Steam Store.

While the original game ran on the original source engine and this game is using Team Fortress 2 as the base for the mod, you can count on some visual upgrades to the original game, but the game will still maintain the original aesthetic which means there will be stock weapons, costumes, and just pure combat on some of the most memorable maps of the game like 2Fort.

This is a community made mod and as such does not have Valve’s blessing, but considering that there are gamers like myself who prefer the original Team Fortress 2, this is definitely one mod you will want to wait for.

The game is developed by XYKON, and the mod is their first entry into the creators forum. So you will have to be patient with the game in its early stages.

We recommend marking January 11 as a red letter day, you will want to come back and download the mod for your copy of Team Fortress 2.

Let us know your thoughts on the game and whether it sounds appealing enough for you to return to the classic game that many fans are definitely eager to play.