Shadow of The Colossus’s remake is only a few days from release but since the review embargo has been lifted, we have compiled what all the critics are saying about the remake of the timeless classic, that according to the reviews has become even more amazing and retains the spirit of the game that redefined video games as we know it. Check out Shadow Of The Colossus Review Roundup
Shadow Of The Colossus Review Roundup
AngryCentaurGaming – Jeremy Penter – Buy
“One of the most amazing looking and playing games in the last couple years.”
Areajugones – Juan R. Ufarte – Spanish – 9.8 / 10.0
A title that invites reflection.
Attack of the Fanboy – Kyle Hanson – 4.5 / 5 stars
Shadow of the Colossus is one of the best games of all time and it has now received a truly worthy remake on PS4. There aren’t any major shifts in the gameplay or content additions, but the game needed neither. Instead Bluepoint has taken the original classic, upgraded the visuals, and only touched what needed to be touched. Fans will want to have this on day one, and if you’ve never experienced the magic of Shadow of the Colossus before, this is the way to do it.
CGMagazine – Joel Couture – 9.5 / 10.0
The Shadow of the Colossus remake enhances the themes of the original, stirring up a crushing sadness in the player in their actions only moments after taking them to heights of excitement.
COGconnected – Paul Sullivan – 90 / 100
hanging onto the arm hair of a huge ape as it tries to shake you off probably shouldn’t be trivial
Critical Hit – Alessandro Barbosa – 8.5 / 10.0
Every bit the genre-defining, captivating adventure that it was 13 years ago, Shadow of the Colossus reminds you yet again just how masterful design and keenly focused art direction never age. But it’s Bluepoint’s respect of these elements and the smart decisions to tweak and improve them that make this the most definitive version of the Team Ico classic you’re likely to ever get.
Daily Dot – AJ Moser – No Verdict
While this PS4 remake might not be the best way ever to experience Team Ico’s timeless classic, it offers players old and new an experience that simply can’t be replicated anywhere else.
Destructoid – Brett Makedonski – 10 / 10.0
Not to diminish the accomplishments of this remake, but it’s all possible because Team Ico’s Shadow of the Colossus is so impossibly perfect. It’s epic and majestic and emotional and imaginative and breathtaking. There are so many superlative adjective you could attach. Shadow of the Colossus’ reputation is as great as some of its tallest colossi. This remake might just help some people see that a little more clearly.
Digitally Downloaded – Matt Sainsbury – 5 / 5 stars
There’s nothing genuinely like Shadow of the Colossus out there, and hopefully this new, pretty version, as superficial as that prettiness is to what makes the game so important, encourages a new generation of players to try it for themselves.
Do You Even Game Bro? – Kieron Verbrugge – 9.5 / 10.0
Bluepoint Games prove without a shadow of a doubt that they were the right choice to head up a full-blown remake of what is undoubtedly one of the greatest games ever made
DualShockers – Logan Moore – 9 / 10.0
The legacy of Shadow of the Colossus has never been in question, but this PS4 edition has just further solidified its place amongst gaming’s masterpieces.
Easy Allies – Michael Damiani – 5 / 5 stars
Shadow of the Colossus is a masterclass effort from BluePoint Games that sets a new standard for remakes.
Eurogamer – Oli Welsh – Essential
A melancholy masterpiece is reborn in this faithful and breathtakingly beautiful remake.
Game Informer – Kyle Hilliard – 9 / 10.0
Shadow of the Colossus is a masterpiece, and developer Bluepoint has done a fantastic job bringing it to a new generation
Game Revolution – Jason Faulkner – 4.5 / 5 stars
I’ve rarely seen a game received such an extensive makeover while being so faithful to the source material.
Gameblog – Gianni Molinaro – French – 9 / 10
Even if this PS4 version is all about new (and clearley stunning) graphics and doesn’t fix some issues with camera and controls, it is a fantastic way to discover or taste once again one of the most extraordinary, emotional and impressive games of all times. Shadow of the Colossus deserves this second life, as it really well executed thanks to Blue Point’s work.
GameMAG – ACE – Russian – 9 / 10
Shadow of the Colossus is a true industry achievement, which not only demonstrates the technical capabilities of video games, but also promotes them as a new kind of art – on a par with movies, music and painting. Even after many years Shadow of the Colossus remains a relevant game with a touching story, unusual gameplay, beautiful graphics and amazing music. This project is a must buy for any PS4 owner. Moreover, this time we have a real remake instead of a simple and very lazy port.
GameNationSA – Boris Bulj – 9 / 10.0
f you have never played Shadow of the Colossus when it originally launched way back in 2005 on PS2 or when it’s PS3 HD remaster arrived in 2011, then you still have another chance to play it, this time on the PS4 from 6 February. With the power of the PS4, it makes the best use of HDR, it’s simply stunning and beautiful cinematic scenes makes this a must-have game of 2018.
GamePro – Hannes Rossow – German – 88 / 100
An (almost) perfect remake of a classic that, thanks to modern graphics and presentation, can even surprise long-term fans.
GamesBeat – Jeff Grubb – 89 / 100
We’re lucky to live in a world with Shadow of the Colossus. I hope that more people get the chance to play it now and it goes on to inspire a generation of indie developers. But, more than anything, I’m just happy to play it again.
GameSpot – Edmond Tran – 9 / 10
Shadow of the Colossus is a beautiful reconstruction of an extraordinary title, a modern classic that everyone must experience.
Gaming Nexus – Randy Kalista – 9.8 / 10.0
Shadow of the Colossus is one for the books. Twelve years later, it’s still a powerful, immutable, singular experience. A masterwork of the genre.
Geek Culture Podcast – Anthony DeCicco – 10 / 10.0
Shadow Of The Colossus is a rare solo cinematic experience that, when originally released, many praised and loved. Years later, it still holds up favorably against the test of time in a remake that gives it a fresh coat of paint. And what a sparkling, pristine coat it is, while not changing anything that made the game so highly touted back in the day. New features like photo mode and next-generation technology allowing for smoother frame rate only improve upon the formula that made the game an instant classic. Now, an entirely new generation is able to enjoy this masterpiece in what is a new benchmark for future remakes to achieve.
God is a Geek – Adam Cook – 9.5 / 10.0
Bluepoint has brought one of the best games to ever grace a Sony console back to life on the PS4, and has done so with tenderness and care.
Hardcore Gamer – Colin Stevens – 4.5 / 5.0
When remaking a game, there are two general routes that developers can take.
Hobby Consolas – Alberto Lloret – Spanish – 93 / 100
One of the most memorables adventures of all time returns with a complete remake that enhances the experience in all the possible ways you can imagine, not only visual: it even adds new content and tons of unlockables that will make fans and newcomers even happier. A classic adventure that still amazes twelve years after it’s original release…
IBTimes UK – Ben Skipper – 5 / 5 stars
Bluepoint Games has masterfully given new life to a masterpiece of the genre, making their Shadow of the Colossus feel in many ways like the definitive version. Porting and remaking the games of others isn’t as trying as making something new, but doing so does come with significant pressure that Bluepoint have made their name dealing with. However, the studio’s work wouldn’t have been possible without the initial, groundbreaking efforts of Team Ico.Shadow of the Colossus is an adventure that’s still every bit as breathtaking and astounding as it was over a decade ago.
IGN – Marty Sliva – 9.7 / 10.0
The true definition of a classic, the gameplay and story of Shadow of the Colossus are every bit as great and emotional today as they were in 2005. This outstanding remaster skillfully enhances those qualities with improved controls, performance, and sheer graphical beauty. It remains one of the best PlayStation games ever made, and it’s wonderful that Sony has brought it back to the fore so a new generation of gamers can experience it without having to look past its aged facade.
IGN Italy – Marco Esposto – Italian – 9.3 / 10.0
Shadow of the Colossus return on PS4 amazing more than ever. A classic cult game improved for the new generations.
IGN Spain – Gustavo Maeso – Spanish – 9 / 10.0
Living the experience of Shadow of the Colossus is still as magical, surprising and attractive as it was in 2005 and the face wash that has been submitted makes us feel, all the time, before a game of new invoice. Maybe the new uses and customs of the videogames sometimes make us feel something crude and empty, but we had the same impression with The Last Guardian and it is a game from last year. If Ueda had developed the game in 2018, it would be exactly the same.
Kotaku – Chris Kohler – No Verdict
By lovingly recreating that feeling from scratch, this remake is not just a means for Sony to sell you Shadow of the Colossus again—it proves that its appeal is not rooted in mere nostalgia but is a lasting work of quality that transcends its era.
Metro GameCentral – GameCentral – 9 / 10
A stunning recreation of one of gaming’s most enduring classics, and what remains a towering example of the art of interactive entertainment.
New Game Network – Peter Glagowski – No Verdict
Shadow of the Colossus lives up to the legacy of the original and provides a brand new presentation for fans to experience. Newcomers will get the best playing version of the title while veterans will get the version they always dreamed of. The game is smoother to play, the presentation is top notch and the minimalist storytelling from the original isn’t embellished or altered. This is exactly what you’d want from a remake and I couldn’t be happier with the final result.
Next-Gen Gaming Blog – Ben Ward – 10 / 10.0
Shadow of the Colossus is one of the most critically revered games of the PS2 era, and with this remake, Bluepoint Games have shown that it can stand head and shoulders above most games that are released today. A wonderful experience from start to finish, and a game that is considered to be a landmark in the medium, and with good reason. A phenomenal game that has not only stood the test of time, it has become an absolute must-play in anyone’s PlayStation 4 library through a simply staggering amount of work from Bluepoint. A seminal game that should not be missed.
Oyungezer Online – Utku Çakır – Turkish – 8 / 10.0
Shadow of the Colossus is a game every player should experience but its camera and control systems coupled with a couple of game breaking bugs prevent me from giving it a perfect score.
PlayStation LifeStyle – Chandler Wood – 10 / 10.0
It’s the perfect remake. It’s Shadow of the Colossus exactly as I remember it, yet it’s Shadow of the Colossus like it’s never been before.
PlayStation Universe – Neil Bolt – 9.5 / 10.0
The new and improved Shadow of the Colossus brings the game into the modern era successfully. It carries over a few flaws and annoyances, sure, but it’s been refined where it matters most, and the net result is a return to the forbidden lands that’s just as achingly beautiful and magical as it ever was.
Polygon – Chris Plante – 9.5 / 10.0
This isn’t a restoration — the team isn’t simply retracing the lines and rejuvenating the colors — and yet it sets out, intentionally, to reproduce the source text, warts and all. Each time I battled with the camera and controls, I imagined the creators of this new Colossus considering niche theories on restoration that you’d expect from a city zoning board trying to protect a historic building. How much of the bad stuff must be kept? Where a classic building often retains the exterior, the answer for a classic game appears to be all interior.
PowerUp! – Leo Stevenson – 9.5 / 10.0
Shadow of the Colossus on PS4 may be a remake, but it’s easily one of the best remakes ever released. Shadow of the Colossus is one of the best games ever made and it deserves to be experienced in the incredible form Bluepoint Games has delivered.
Press Start – Shannon Grixti – 9 / 10
There’s more reason to play Shadow of the Colossus than ever before. The presentation improves the incredible spectacle that the game is. The core gameplay can still be a little bit clunky at times, but the satisfaction from taking down the Colossus is greater than ever. At the cheaper price of admission ($54.99) that you’ll be playing for this game, it’s near impossible not to recommend it even if you’ve played it before.
PS Site – Paweł Musiolik – Polish – 9.5 / 10.0
One of the best games of the golden age – now remade with current technology. Shadow of the Colossus looks and runs wonderful. It is a perfect moment to catch up, if you haven’t already.
Push Square – Sammy Barker – 10 / 10
One of the greatest games ever made resurrected in one of the greatest remakes of all time. Shadow of the Colossus remains faithful to the 2006 original, but its presentation is on par with the very best that the PS4 has to offer. A masterpiece.
RPG Site – Kyle Campbell – 9 / 10
Shadow Of The Colossus is a magnificent game with an atmosphere that becomes all the more intoxicating the longer you breath it in.
SA Gamer – Garth Holden – 8 / 10.0
The Shadow of the Colossus remake shows what the game would have looked like with the power of modern consoles, but it sticks with the stylistic emptiness of the original. There is something special here, even if you might not explore it with the same reverence as those with nostalgia about it.
Spaziogames – Domenico Musicò – Italian – 9.5 / 10.0
Bluepoint remake of the astonighing Shadow of the Colossus in more than a simple graphic upgrade. It’s the real embodiment of Ueda’s vision, the best version of one of the most important and beautiful games of the medium. It is a must have for new and old players.
Stevivor – Steve Wright – 8.5 / 10.0
While it’s true that Shadow was starting to show its age in 2011 and is continuing to do so in 2018 — even rebuilt from scratch — those who’ve played the title before will revel in the new life that Sony’s breathed into the classic. For those unfamiliar with the game, it’ll be a harder sell — but that said, stick with it.
TheSixthAxis – Stefan L – 10 / 10
Shadow of the Colossus isn’t necessarily a game that needed to be remade in such an elaborate fashion, and yet, I’m so glad that it has been. Bluepoint’s remake of this sublime and poignant adventure is phenomenal, both managing to stay utterly true to the original and bringing it up to date in glorious fashion.
We Got This Covered – Shaan Joshi – 5 / 5 stars
More than a decade after its original release, and Fumito Ueda’s masterpiece is still an absolute joy to play. Whether you’ve played it on older hardware, or you have yet to take the plunge, you owe it to yourself to play through Bluepoint’s remake of one of the best games ever made.

The score of this game is mind-blowingly good, for a remake that retains the soul of the original game that came out on PS2, Shadow Of The Colossus needs to be owned by every PS4 user.
Will you be getting Shadow Of The Colossus? Let us know in the comments below