We recently did an article on WB Montreal in which we shed light on a position opening for a lead gameplay designer at WB Montreal. The general connotation was that WB Montreal is suiting up for next-gen console platform because it was hinted at in the job description. All that aside, today, we have some more info on yet another project by the company. Turns out, WB Montreal might be working on a Superman Game for Next-Gen Consoles.
WB Montreal Working On a New DC Universe Game?
According to a recent interview, Osama Dorias, a Senior Game Designer at WB Montreal, has revealed that he has just finished working on a new open world DC project for Console. Without spilling too many secrets, Osama did insinuate that the property he worked on is a major DC property. Now, naturally what comes to mind is a new iteration of the Batman: Arkham Games which we also have heard some rumors about. However, upon closer look at Osama’s social media, especially his IG, I discovered that although he is a big fan of Batman he is also a huge fan of none other than the very popular superhero-Superman!

A Superman Game for Next-Gen Consoles?
In the past, we would often hear about WB Montreal working on a possible Superman game but for one reason or another, the project never bore any fruit. So at the cost of sounding speculative, I will go ahead and say that while I think a Batman game is more likely, however, we cannot completely rule out a triple-A Superman Game. Especially seeing the new change in the leadership, who knows maybe someone is finally pitching worthwhile ideas.
Keeping in mind the aforementioned WB Montreal job opening and what Osama talked about in the Interview mixed in with my own whims and wishes. There might actually be something to this. I guess we can only hope for now. This is mostly wishful thinking and speculation so take it with a pinch of salt. We will keep you updated if something official turned up.
You can watch the Interview for yourself on youtube here. Let us know what you make of it, in the comments below.