Possible XCOM Enemy Unknown Content Coming to XCOM 2 As DLC, Hinted by Stream


It has been more than 2 years since Firaxis’s XCOM 2 released. It was the sequel to the award-winning strategy game XCOM. Now Firaxis, as they released a commemorating stream for XCOM six years ago, decided to do for XCOM 2 as well. The promo page for the steam seems to be hinting for new XCOM 2 content. From XCOM Enemy Unknown.

Firaxis Commemorating XCOM 2 Stream Details

The stream will start on October 2. Now the interesting thing about the stream is the revealed promo image which you can see down below.

XCOM Enemy Unknown hints

Now besides Bradford serious face, there are 4 things which are very interesting to notice here. If you are a die-hard XCOM fan and you have played the first game then you may have already guessed what I’m saying.

Let’s start from left to right observation.

Left Guy’s Gun

If you look closely to the gun the left guy’s holding you may think you have seen this gun somewhere (implies if you have played the first XCOM). The gun that the left dude is holding is an EU Heavy Plasma which, from XCOM, looked like this:

XCOM Enemy Unknown Hints

Bradford’s Gun

Now it’s time to talk about Bradford’s gun. It is not that easy to look but if you look close enough you will notice the bullet shell on the back of the gun. Yeah you guessed it. It’s EU shotgun as you can see Erin holding it in the screenshot down below:

XCOM Enemy Unknow Lily Shen’s Gun

Now, the left girl, Lily Shen turn. it is clearly EU laser rifle but in HD graphics and XCOM 2 style. Look at the screenshot from XCOM yourself

XCOM Enemy Unknown hintsIt’s clear if you compare the soldier pictures from the promo artwork and the screenshots that Shen and Bradford are wearing the EU kevlar armor, but not the jacked up preorder bonus cosmetic version.

I’ve told you about 3 hints so far let’s talk about the last one. The background in the promo clearly looks like the EU Gas station from Enemy Unknown. So, far I think it is clear that the guns from EU are coming to XCOM 2 along with Firaxis hints as well. The hinted about something on October 8th which I believe is the announcement of this content from XCOM Enemy Unknown.

What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments down below.