Pavlok will force you to leave your bad habits

Pavlok Wearable

Ever had a bad habit which you could never shake off? Well I guess this is the thing for you then. This device, named as Pavlov, will shock your bad habits away. As the saying goes, “we are all creatures of habit”, supposedly the creator of this new wearable device believes wholeheartedly in this mantra.

How does Pavlok do it? It helps to reinforce positive behavior by electrocuting you. Seriously. By only spending $250 you can purchase the wearable wristband. It will shock you whenever you ignore a reminder or alert you that you set it to work with. Have a 6am alarm set because you need to get your workout in before the start of a jam-packed day? Well, if you snooze your alarm, Pavlok will let it go, snooze it again and you’re getting electrocuted.

The main objective of this wearable is to have you hold yourself accountable for your own actions. It will train you immediately whenever your renege on a personal promise.

That’s not all. You can give other the right to shock you as well. Let’s say you promised your friend to workout at the gym. By pairing Pavlok with a GPS tracker in your phone or a step counter, your selected Facebook friend or buddy will be able to see if you made good on your promise. If not, they’ll get to hit a button and zap you for being a lazy two-timer.

Pavlok - 2

The creator of Pavlok, Manseeh Sethi, tested the device on himself, and these are his own words

“I myself have lost 30lbs just doing this in the last few months, simply forcing myself to go and swipe the card at the gym… and my friend can monitor my swiping the card at the gym.”

The Pavlok is currently available to a group of Beta testers who have, according to Sethi, had positive results from using the wearable device.

But yes, it is not sure whether everyone would be happy to get themselves electrocuted. I mean if someone has to go outside for drinks, they’ll probably remove the wearable and do whatever they want.

Although, this is a good step in improving oneself and the company should get a good respone for Pavlok. You can visit the official website here.