Overwatch Hammond is the new hamster hero, in a rolling mech suit

OverWatch Game ESports

Overwatch Hammond – A New Hero?

After teasing us with the new characters for quite a while, Blizzard officially revealed the new addition to the characters of Overwatch as shown in the above tweet. In the video provided by Blizzard, a mech suit ( ball ) fires bullets everywhere after which a hamster gets out of the suit ( an interpretation of a hamster in a ball ) to clap and laugh maniacally. This hero is a cute and furry fella and goes by the name of Hammond and is a hamster. Overwatch Hammond is an adorable monster that’ll bring death at your doorstep right away! He functions with the help of a mech suit, that is all we know about him at the moment so it is still unsure whether he will be added as another hero in the game or not. However, if he is added to the game as a hero, he will be the 28th character to enter the game as a hero.