Nintendo Switch Emulator Yuzu is the only working emulator for the console currently. Yuzu has come a long way since its inception in early 2018. In the beginning, the emulator could hardly run basic homebrew applications. A few commercial games could also be run on the emulator to varying degrees of success, however, no substantial performance could be attained from the emulator.
Nintendo Switch Emulator Yuzu Can Run Super Mario Odyssey at 60 FPS
Almost a year later, today we have the biggest leap in YUZU performance since the emulator first came about. The latest canary build of the emulator has brought about almost a double performance boost in fps across all major games. One such game is the Super Mario Odyssey which is playable at a stable 60 fps even in the most graphically intensive kingdoms i.e. Sand Kingdom.
Moreover, a stable 60 fps is the absolute minimum you will get on a capable gaming setup. The game usually hovers around 80fps with the sporadic hiccup every now and then.

In the above screenshot, you can see the game being run on a previous build. In this build, Super Mario Odyssey would usually run at around 30fps at best. However, in the latest canary build(1814), that number has been more than doubled.

Even in graphically saturated environments such as the village in Sand Kingdom, the game runs at a stable 60 fps for the most part which is an enormous improvement over the last build where the game struggled to maintain even 30fps.

Other Games Have Also Received A Performance Boost
It should be noted that the performance boost on Yuzu is not limited to Super Mario Odyssey. I have personally seen a huge improvement in performance, even up to 100% in some game, in games like Bayonetta 2. Bayonetta 2 now runs at over 70 fps in the latest update. Previously it struggled to maintain even 30 fps at best. The same goes for Splatoon 2, the game is now better looking than before as well as better performing. It runs in between 50 and 80 fps, however, the game still has a lot of bugs and glitches.
Moreover, Kirby Star Allies has also received a drastic improvement as has ARMS. The only major game that still needs a lot of work to be playable is Zelda: BOTW. As opposed to running at 5 or 6 fps on the previous builds, the game now runs at 15 fps which is still of course less than adequate. However, it is a performance boost nonetheless and I expect the game to reach a minimum of 30 fps in the near future with the release of a further improved build.
Download Yuzu Emulator For Your PC
You can download and install Nintendo Switch Emulator Yuzu from their website here. Make sure you download the latest Canary build which is Canary Build – 6cc9945. The build used in this article is the Canary Build – 43418eb which is not the latest one anymore.
Also, keep an eye for our YUZU installation tutorial which should be out shortly.
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