Marvel Avengers is an upcoming action adventure game based on the popular series of comics from Marvel Universe. The game was initially known as The Avengers Project. Square Enix announced some two and a half years ago that the game has entered development, however, it wasn’t until E3 2019 a few days ago that we saw the very first glimpses of the game. However, the problem with the E3 reveal was that only a cinematic trailer was shown and not the actual gameplay. Now, thanks to a Marvel Avengers leak, a video has popped up on the internet showing the actual gameplay from Marvel Avengers.
The leak in question surfaced a few hours ago when a video was uploaded to youtube showing the game being played for 12 mins straight at E3. The video was taken discreetly which is why the full frame of the display cannot be seen in the video. You can watch the video below yourself.
Marvel Avengers Leak (Video)
Many people are asking why Square Enix didn’t show this gameplay instead of the cinematic. This is a legitimate question since fans are generally more eager to see gameplay instead of a cinematic trailer. Anyhow, from what can be seen via the video recording, I must say the gameplay and graphics don’t look half bad.
Marvel Avengers Release Date
Square Enix also finally announced the release date for the game at E3 this year. Marvel Avengers will come out on PS4, PC, Xbox One and Google Stadia on May 15th, 2020.
As for the gameplay, from what we have seen so far and also from Square’s press releases, we can gather that Marvel’s Avengers will have separate missions designed for single player and co-op. There will also be an extensive multiplayer component. “Master extraordinary abilities, customize a growing roster of Heroes, assemble into teams of up to four players, and defend the Earth from escalating threats,” the press release reads.
Do let me know in the comments what you think regarding the gameplay leak.