God Of War is probably this year’s best game, and Sony Santa Monica Studio’s best game yet. The game has received insane critical acclaim and is a fan favorite for the year, becoming a console seller and selling millions of copies in it’s first few days. Now, it seems God Of War 2018 Sequel might already be in development.
God Of War 2018 Sequel in Development?
A programmer Koray Hagen working at Sony Santa Monica Studios has updated his summary section of his linked in profile and has added another title into his contributions, which you can check below

The contributions include God of War for PS4, which is the last title by Santa Monica under Cory Barlog and another unannounced project, which is coming to the PS4 has been listed as well.
Now, we could speculate about this, but there’s a very good chance that this title is indeed the sequel to God of War. They already have the engine required to make the game, which took so long to develop, now the development time for a sequel would obviously be less than the first one, and given how the game ended, it’s obvious that Kratos’s story hasn’t ended just yet.
This could be something else though, it could be another game Santa Monica is working on, but we doubt it since most of their developers were working on God of War only.
It’s interesting to note here that the title is for PS4, and there is no mention of the next-generation console, which is the PS5, so either this will be cross-platform or this is something else entirely.
In another news, Shadow of the Tomb Raider has been announced for Linux and macOS.
What do you make of this summary? Do you think a God Of War 2018 Sequel is already in the works? Let us know in the comments below.