Fortnite Season 7 Week 8 Challenges Cheat Sheet & Guide

Fortnite Patch 7.20 Leaked Details

It is time for the weekly challenges and with the help of our Fortnite Season 7 Week 8 Challenges Cheat Sheet you will be done with the challenges in no time! The challenges this week are a cinch so you don’t have to worry about spending any more than an hour to get them out of the way!

Without further delay, here is the cheat sheet and guide for your reference.

Fortnite Season 7 Week 8 Challenges Cheat Sheet & Guide

Build structures (250)

As it says, just build structures randomly. The easiest way to do this is farming up resources in LTM’s like Team Rumble. Just keep building ramps, 1×1, and other structures randomly.

Deal 100 damage while riding a vehicle

As the name implies all you have to do is be in the passenger seat of a vehicle and deal damage. The easiest way to do this is just jumping on the wing of an X-4 Stormwing, pull out your best weapon and shoot at people on the ground in an LTM.

Eliminate opponents with an explosive weapon – 3 Eliminations

With the removal of the quad launcher earlier this week, this challenge can only be done with spamming grenades, dynamite or RPG’s. Keep Search supply drops for RPG’s and go berserk in LTM’s.

Search Chests in Shifty Shafts or Lonely Lodge – 7 Chests

As always, just search for chests at either of these locations. You can even half-and-half. Opening 3 chests in Shifty and 4 in Lonely but if you can open all 7 in one place it saves you a lot of time and travel.

Search between a mysterious hatch, a giant rock lady, and a precarious flatbed

You can find this location marked on the Cheat Sheet at the start. It’s a small hill behind Wailing Woods. Here is a video for the challenge as well.

Use a Cozy Campfire or Launch Pad in Different Matches – 3 of either

Easily found in supply drops, chests or other places. All you have to do is place one down on a surface and use it. Campfire is used instantly as long as you’re standing close to it, but for Launch Pad you have to jump on it to activate. You will have to do this 3 times in different games (1 per game)

Visit places in a Single Match – 3 Rounds

All you have to do is visit the following places in a single match, this will mean you will play 3 different games to get this done.

  • Paradise Palms and Salty Springs in a single match
  • Visit Junk Junction and Loot Lake in a single match
  • Visit Haunted Hills and Wailing Woods in a single match

This Weeks Reward: Secret banner or Secret Battle Star?

Unfortunately, this weeks reward is a secret banner which can be found at Frosty Flights. Here is a video of the Secret Banner location if you wish to go for it.