Fallout 76 Modders Have to Write Essay About Mods To Get Unbanned by Bethesda

The Elder Scrolls 6 release date
Fallout 76

Mods have been a fixture for Fallout games for quite some time now. It allows for players to create their own content, improve the game and the experience, or other facets of the game that weren’t a part of the final release. Fallout 76 Modders have done massive improvements to the game with respect to graphics and other parts of the game, and modding Fallout games is no new occurrence since it was a part of Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, and even a major part of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Fallout 76 Modders In Trouble? Mistake By Bethesda? You Decide.

Fallout 76 might not be the sequel fans wanted, but its the one they got. The game has a stronger emphasis on the online element and this has caused a divide in the community. If you are running an online game, you will undoubtedly face hackers, griefers or other people out to ruin the fun for other gamers. Bethesda recognized this and sought to fix it by banning people actively using third-party applications.

Ordinarily, we would applaud Bethesda for their efforts, but it seems that there are a few instances of people getting banned for using graphical or similar modding tools that were made to fix the game.

Wrongfully Banned or Are Users Hiding Something?

The YouTube video outlines the story of 3 individuals – 2 individuals who admit that they have a cheating tool installed on their system, “CheatEngine”, but affirm that they never used it paired with Fallout 76. They used CheatEngine for single-player games like Company of Heroes. The third individual stated that they only used Reshade and a Lock Picking mod. Reshade is a popular tool used for adjusting lighting in video games to improve the graphics.

In the emails shared by these users, Bethesda did confirm that each user was in violation of Terms of Service for using Third Party Applications, but they can appeal to the bans if the banned user writes an essay to Bethesda about why using hacks or third-party cheat software is bad for the community of an online game.

Understandably there are bound to be some false-positives when massive ban waves like these occur in online games, but do you think banning someone for using mods to improve the game should be banned? Let us know in the comments section below.