EA‘s current client for purchasing and playing games is Origin and has been for a while now. There was a time when EA released games on Steam, and while there are still some titles available, the new ones don’t come out on Steam. However, based on some recent updates we think EA Games on Steam could be making a comeback.
Some titles that were initially available on Steam, actually migrated to Origin when the launcher became available.
EA Games on Steam making a comeback?
There are tons of recent updates that hint at EA most likely heading back to Steam, as one of their PC retailers, and here are the reasons we believe so.
Origin Integration in Steam?
Twitter user @RobotBrush posted a screenshot, showing a test application on Origin via Steam. Give it a look below.

This means that even with the games coming to Steam, it’s possible that you’ll need Origin to run the games themselves, like with Uplay.
The Saboteur played by someone on Steam
The Saboteur is an EA game that came out back in 2009, and it isn’t available on Steam for purchase anymore. However, according to SteamDB, the game was played by someone between 20th and 21st October.
Check out the SteamDB screenshot in case it gets removed.

So it’s definitely being played by someone checking the integration.
Dragon Age 2 New Package and Recent Updates
Dragon Age 2 is another EA title that was initially available on Steam, but now isn’t, however, it seems that the game has been receiving database and package updates over the past few weeks/months.
The package in which Dragon Age 2 is available only has the game itself right now, and it will be interesting to see what else will be included in it.
This activity is also noted on SteamDB, and we’ve taken some screenshots just in case.

Why would a title that isn’t available for purchase keep getting new packages and category updates if it isn’t available for purchase?
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst in the new Steam UI?
Initial reveal of the updated Steam UI featured a very interesting title in the game’s collection, and it’s a title that never actually came out on Steam.

We’re talking about Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, which is only available through Origin since it’s release in 2016.
This could be a non-steam application added with a custom cover, or it could be Steam actually adding it to their available titles.
These are all the reasons we believe that EA Games on Steam are going to be a thing again. What do you make of these updates? Let us know in the comments below and share your thoughts.