Archillect 204863 Solved- Surprise Death Stranding Announcement!

Stefanie Joosten in Death Stranding

After many weeks of waiting and the sudden absence of Hideo Kojima on the day before The Game Awards, it seems that our theory about Archillect, Pak Murat, Death Stranding and P.T finally gave us some results. According to the big Archillect 204863 reveal we just a pleasant surprise for Death Stranding, maybe the surprise makes up for the lack of its presence at the show.

The game comes from the brilliant mind of Hideo Kojima and Guillmero Del Toro, starring a cast comprising of Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen among other talents.

The game was officially announced at Sony’s E3 press conference and while the game has had plenty of exposure, the entire plot and premise of the game have kept gamers on the edge of their seat. We thought there would be more on the game shown at The Game Awards 2018 but Kojima canceled on the eve of the event and didn’t show up. Could the mystery of his last-minute absence be explained? In case you missed out, you can read our article that leads to this event.

The Death Stranding Announcement We Have Been Waiting For!

This is 204848

This scene comes at 0:25 of the E3 2018 trailer

204851 was curiously a baby in a what looks like a fetus. If you follow Death Stranding you know this connection.

After much waiting, we finally have 204863. After many hours of waiting, the results are here. What’s curious is that the dots match Lindsay’s necklace from the E3 trailer.

After a Reddit thread banded together to solve it, they found a mountain of information and then were finally able to solve for the mystery.

Enough Talk, The Dots SOLVED! Wagner is Archillect? Release Date?

UPDATE: Keep in mind that the dots being solved is a developing event, keep checking on this page and see what the final result is!

One of the possible theories for the dots which is perhaps the least plausible, is the release date of the game. Norman Reedus did say that the game could come in early 2019, these dates do fit it, but we still advise taking this with some salt.

It is exceptionally difficult to see but there is a space between the dots which reads 04/06/19. This could mean the 4th of June 2019 or the 6th of April 2019 if you’re American as the date and month are inverted.

Another finding is that the dots read out Wagners closing line from the E3 2018 trailer. Another user speculated that Wagner and Archillect are the same and it seems that their theory stands. A second reddit thread confirms this finding.

“You’re too late. You still don’t know who I am, do you?”

There is plenty more dissemination which the community thoroughly did and it seems that all of that lead to this gripping final conclusion (Let’s just get to the discovery, shall we?)

This can explain why Hideo Kojima didn’t show up for The Game Awards for the first time since the reveal of the game since he has always released a new trailer for the game at all The Game Awards. The absence of Hideo from the awards was a possible red herring, but do you think this announcement was worth Kojima’s absence from the Awards?

We are now more than excited for more news on Death Stranding and you can now see that Kojima is indeed a formidable master of deception! We look forward to covering more on Hideo Kojima and Death Stranding in the year to come!

Let us know if the reveal lived up to your expectations in the comments section below.