Ahiru no Sora (Sora the Duck) is a Japanese basketball manga written and illustrated by Takeshi Hinata. The manga started publishing in Weekly Shonen Jump in 2003. The manga series inspired an anime adaptation by Diomedea. The first episode premiered on October 2, 2019. According to the official twitter account of Ahiru no Sora episode 37 will not air on 24 June but it is rescheduled to premiere on July 1.
The anime will have a total of 50 episodes, 36 of which have been aired with episode 36 airing today. Episode 37 is delayed to July 1, 2020, instead of airing on June 24 due to some special formation as mentioned in the tweet. Studio Diomedea has produced the show under the direction of Keizou Kusakawa.
Ahiru no Sora Episode 37 Delayed
Anime fans do not have many basketball the one that is the most popular is Kuroko no Basket. Fans can now quench their thirst for sports anime with Ahiru no Sora. The anime has an average user ratings of 7.34 on MAL.
About Ahiru no Sora
MAL describes the synopsis as:
“He’s short, weak, and has just transferred to a new school. Kurumatani Sora is the main character in this story who loves basketball. He has been shooting hoops ever since he was little and has been trying to grow tall. Sora wishes to become just like his mother, who “used” to be a basketball player. To fulfill his mother’s wishes Sora enters Kuzuryuu High School to become a member of the basketball club.
However, Sora is disappointed to find out that the boy’s basketball team is nothing but a retreat for punks who have no interest in the sport. He also learns that Chiaki and Momoharu Hanazono whom he becomes acquainted with have also lost their motivation to play.
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