The 10 Best Villains On TV Right Now

Best Villains

Best Villains

Melisandre (Game of Thrones)

That makes this character the second villain from the same show. I guess it’s true that a hero doesn’t make him/herself great but the villain does. She’s a priestess of the Lord of Light, Melisandre brings little beyond dismal darkness to those around her, and that’s not just a reference to the shadow baby that killed off Renly Baratheon. Her big finishing move in Season 5 involved lighting pyres and burning up characters, with a secondary move of “attempted seduction of Jon Snow.” Her most damning action was convincing Stannis that sacrificing his own daughter Shireen would help his quest for the Iron Throne, but it only managed to cause half of his army to leave him, and his wife Selyse to kill herself. And then, Melisandre stole a horse and ran away.