Xbox One Official Keyboard and Mouse Support Coming Soon

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The one thing that has forever divided console and PC players is the bridge of keyboard and mouse vs controller, while some games fare better on a controller such as platformers while FPS games are better off with a keyboard and mouse, it seems that Xbox One Official Keyboard and Mouse Support is just around the corner according to a recent leak by Microsoft Poland.

Initially, the support was limited to party support like we saw a few months ago, but now there is a major update down the pipeline which will allow any keyboard and mouse to be ready for plug and play with the Xbox One, Xbox One S, and the Xbox One X.

The keyboard and mouse aren’t only limited to gaming but also web browsing, social networking sites, and perhaps even support for Hulu / Netflix on the console!

The post also mentions support for webcams for people to use their own, and also stream directly through the MIxer app included in the console!

Image Courtesy of Gamepros

It seems like someone at Microsoft Poland got a little trigger happy with the publish button and accidentally published the above post that confirms the imminent arrival of native keyboard and mouse support for all variants of the Xbox One consoles.

If you are unable to read the text, you can find it below courtesy of Gamepros:

Some players prefer to conquer the virtual world with a pad in hand. Others, above all, value the precision of the mouse movements. Others, however, can not imagine playing on anything other than a keyboard. Now, owners of Xbox One consoles (including Xbox One S models and the latest Xbox One X) can choose these accessories and decide for themselves what they will use. “PC Master Race”? Thanks to the keyboard support, we can already successfully talk about “Xbox Master Race”!”

You can see that this is indeed exciting news for the console players as this can bridge the play gap between many cross platform games and perhaps allow for Xbox One and MIcrosoft Windows cross play to become a reality without the unfair advantage being a major barrier!

What are your thoughts on the entry? Do you think this will help give Microsoft a massive push it needs to take the lead in the console wars? Let us know in the comments section below.

Source: Gamepros.

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