WB Games Leaked via SAG Database: Wonder Woman: Circle of Light, Scribblenauts, Project Diana and Project Saturn

A few hours ago there was a tip that originated from the gaming forum ResetEra. The tip suggests that on the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) database, there are currently 3 major projects listed. Scribblenauts Fiesta, Project Diana and Project Saturn. Could the WB Games Leaked suggest that these are the potential games that are being worked on right now?

WB Games Leaked – Could this be confirmation of a DC Game(s?) in the works

According to a tip received on the website, there are several listings on the screen actors guild database which suggests that Warner Bros Games has outsourced 2 games to Warner Bros. Montreal and Monolith studios. Warner Bros. Montreal could be working on a potential Wonder Woman game by the code name Project Diana as the real name of Wonder Woman is Diana Prince in the human world. Project Saturn could be a reference to the DC hero Saturn Girl.

While on the subject of discussing project names, this is the Batman Beyond Batmobile for Arkham Knight. You can see that during its development the game was called Zepplin. While many people are speculating that Zepplin is attributed to the iconic opening of Batman The Animated Series where the opening features Zeppelins in the sky.

As such, we shouldn’t be so quick to jump to Project Diana and Saturn being attributed to their main superhero persona and could be for the purpose of throwing off people who came across the name.

Wonder Woman: Circle of Light – Some hope of truth in fiction?

With that in mind, there was also an obscure 4chan leak that completely flew under the radar, because of it being a 4chan leak.

The details for the game are as follows: (thanks BernardoOne)

Wonder Woman: Circle of Light

Release date is October 8th, 2019. This date celebrates Wonder Woman’s first appearance.

Systems: PS4/Xbox1/PC

Keep in mind that this is still a 4chan post. and has an equal chance of being true as much as it is false. So we do wish to say to take this with extreme salt.

On the note of what the potential projects could be, this is all just raw information we have at the moment. We will have to wait for 2019 to find out what Rocksteady, Warner Bros. Montreal or Monolith studios are working on.

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