Warface Getting Battle-Royale Mode Through An Update


Crytek’s Free-to-play online shooter, Warface is joining the Battle-Royale bandwagon. After the tremendous success of Bluehole’s, PlayerUnknowns BattleGrounds and Epic Games entry to the genre, Fortnite, which is a free-to-play game.

Warface is a Windows / Xbox 360 online shooter which was released in 2013.

According to an official blog post on the site, the game mode will launch in test phase initially and then be a permanent part of the game.

While Warface is already offering the same package that you are getting with PUBG and Fortnite, players will have to race against the clock with a shrinking battlefield in a vicious 100 player battle arena and truly live up to the phrase, Survival of the fittest.

While the studio has yet to confirm if their Battle-Royale game mode will have a unique twist to it like PUBG’s ability to drive vehicles and Fortnite’s ability of players gathering materials from around the world to build structures with the help of an oversized pickaxe and fun graphics.

Warface is entering a very saturated market, so they will have to up the ante with some unique offerings if they hope to cash in on the fame of the genre at the moment. It doesn’t help that this is a time-limited game mode from the developer, so it will only discourage players from sticking to the game unless they were already active players of the player base.

While the Battle-Royale game is getting out of hand, It is worth mentioning here that Fortnite and PUBG have hit significant milestones in their respective fields, with PUBG boasting a hearty 20 million copies sold and Fortnite with 20 million players.

With all of this in mind, we would like to know your thoughts on the move by Crytek? is it too little, too late for them to enter, or can steal even a chunk of loyal players from each respective game?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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