Walmart Canada reveals Death Stranding PS4 Release Date, Possible 2019 release

Death Stranding PS4 release date

Have you guys ever played Metal Gear Solid series? Most of you guys who had played MGS series must know how much of an amazing series it was all possible due to one man. The one mastermind behind the critically acclaimed series, the one and only Hideo Kojima. We all know Kojima’s next title and it’s called Death Stranding. Not much about this game is known but there is hype. The hype is not only due to Kojima but how weird the game looks and feels and let’s not forget Norman Reedus, Mads Mikkelsen and Guillermo del Toro. We do not know when this game will be releasing but Walmart Canada might know as they have revealed the Death Stranding PS4 release date on the game listing for pre-order.

Mads Mikkelsen portrayed as the main antagonist

Walmart Canada reveals Death Stranding PS4 Release Date

Being a PS4 or an Xbox fan, we all agree Kojima has really made the gaming community tense by revealing this game at E3 2016 and it has been almost 2 years since this game was announced. Interestingly Kojima productions dropped a trailer and we still have no idea what type of game it will be, RPG, action/action adventure, stealth, shooting I can list a lot of genres and still we cannot guess what kind of game it will be. The main reason the world is hyped for Death Stranding.

How did it start?

It all strated with Geoff’s Tweet which was:

After that a person in the reply section posted a picture which showed Death Stranding listing for PS4 on Walmart Canada’s website:

Death Stranding PS4 Listing on Walmart Canada

It can be a clear mistake right? As hovering over the pre-oreder button it suggests the company will start shipping the game in July 1st, 2019. The person asked Walmart to see if it is not a mistake and Walmart replied:

Which makes us believe that the game will be releasing somewhere in July 2019. What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments down below.

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