Viber APK (Android/iOS) Backup/Restore Messages, Gifs and Send Money

Viber Update

Viber is popularly known as messaging and calling VoIP app which is being used by millions of users. The new version of Viber can be downloaded directly from the link below which brings a lot new and exciting features. You can now backup and restore your messages directly using the app itself directly. Following the Whatsapp trend Viber finally brought support for backing your conversation and data to Google Drive and restore it later when you want.

Not only backup features were introduced but you can now share animated gifs and share money via western union up to 200 counties worldwide. Whatsapp seems to dominating and over took it as the most used messaging app but recently when Whatsapp was introduced with Calling feature Viber took a major hit. Then there were some basic features which was missing in it are now being released such chat encryption, chat backup, animated gifs, group calling and a lot of user interface improvements to take on Whatsapp and other rival apps.

Download Link: 

Download Viber APK – Google Play Link.

To install Viber APK on your Android phone or tablet:

You can download the updated version on iPhone as well. Got to App Store and Check for updates though iOS version backups the data using iCloud not Google Drive.

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