Unravel 2 for Nintendo Switch Actual Footage Shared, Releasing Tomorrow 22nd March

Unrvael 2 for Nintendo Switch

Unravel 2

The popular puzzle platformer video game is set to arrive on Nintendo Switch Tomorrow. Today we have the first ever Unravel 2 For Nintendo Switch footage shared online.


Unravel 2 is a puzzle platformer game developed by Swedish studio Coldwood Interactive and published by Electronic Arts. It was released back in June 2018 on PS4, Xbox One, and Windows.

The fun little puzzle game focuses on two Yarnys, which can be controlled with either one player or two, which must work together in order to solve puzzles and manipulate the world. The game contains a main storyline, set on an island, as well as challenge levels, significantly more difficult.

Unravel 2 for Nintendo Switch Actual Footage Shared

According to the Eshop listing for the game,

When you cut ties to the past, new bonds form. In Unravel Two, create a Yarny of your very own. Then build relationships with other Yarnys in local co-op or as a single player, fostering friendship and support as you journey together.

Begin your adventure in a cold and imposing land, then watch your surroundings blossom with new life as you chase the spark of adventure. Dive into an immersive story filled with energy, exuberance, inspiration – even monsters. Approach every challenge with positivity and fearlessness to awaken the world around you, and discover an unbreakable bond between friends.

The game is available for pre-order on Eshop for $20 which seems like a completely reasonable price for the fun game that Unravel 2 is.

Arriving at the topic, below is the first ever Unravel 2 for Nintendo Switch footage to be shared online.

The 16-minute video shows us the first glimpses of the game. The game offers beautiful visuals, an eerie atmosphere, and music that goes really well with the theme of the game.

Let me know in the comments if you will be getting Unravel 2 on your Switch. Did you like the gameplay video?

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