TorrenTV let you stream torrents to Apple TV without requiring to JAILBREAK


Till now, you need to have some jailbreak tweak installed if you want to stream torrents on your Apple TV. But well, thanks to a new app that makes the things simplest. No need of jailbreak! A new app named TorrenTV let you stream torrents to Apple TV by simple drag & drop.

The beta app of TorrenTV app is now available for FREE. Grab it from here and you are on course. No setup required! All you need is to have your Apple TV and PC/Mac device on same Wi-Fi network. Once you have installed the app, run it and begin streaming!

Simply drop the torrent/magnet file on the TorrenTV interface and your stream will begin. Other than that, you can also stream content from your hard disk. Great! Thus, making the app a complete solution for your Apple TV!

TorrenTV app is also available for Linux OS i.e. both 32-bit and 64-bit. Moreover, Google Chromecast and Roku device is also supported. You can stream content to both these devices too.

Hopefully, some more features and support will also be added. You will be able to stream content via USB cable in future. The developer of the app has also demanded for donations in order to improve the app.

So indeed, a much needed app! What are you waiting for, guys? Go and quickly grab the app. I will rate this app 8 out of 10. Don’t miss to have your words regarding TorrenTV app in your comments below!

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