Super Mario Odyssey Sold 2 Million Copies in 3 Days

If the sky’s the limit, Super Mario Odyssey is shooting for the stars. In the bi-annual fiscal meeting with Mr. Furukawa, General Manager of the Corporate Planning Department of Nintendo, various goalposts of the company’s sales were revealed with the latest accomplishment being Super Mario Odyssey Sold 2 Million Copies in a mere 3 days!

According to the written notes by President of the company, Tatsumi Kimishima – the long awaited Super Mario Odyssey has exceeded expectations in Switch sales. Just like the game itself, the Nintendo Switch hardware overwhelmed initial expectations and faced a shortage in the first months of release.

As launch titles, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and 1 2 Switch saw a growth in purchases. The worldwide drought of Switches saw an increase in bundled purchases with the launch titles as that was initially the only way to get the hardware.

Interestingly, each region has found its own favorite. Japan’s largest sales come from Splatoon 2 while Zelda dominates the European and North American markets. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has had the most worldwide appeal with an estimated 3.09 million copies sold. With such diverse games spanning the globe, the Nintendo Switch looks to have something for every type of player.

But the most surprising information to come from this report is the aforementioned Super Mario Odyssey. Teased during the June 2017 E3 conference, Odyssey enraptured Nintendo fans and maintained momentum until its worldwide release four months later. Before the title was dropped into digital stores on Friday morning, Odyssey had racked up various awards and favorable reviews with critics.

In just the three days since launch, Super Mario Odyssey has seen 2 million copies being sold; an exponential growth last seen with Zelda earlier this year. When compared to the 7 million Switch consoles sold, Odyssey is projected to be the system’s largest name as the holiday season creeps closer. In fact, the President estimates that with Mario’s popularity, the Switch will sell around 14 million systems by year’s end.

This is coming as no surprise – the Mario series has always brought stability to a newly born console. Super Mario 64 is still known as one of the most popular games from the console and it was billed as a launch title. Super Mario Sunshine sparked curiosity for the Nintendo Gamecube while Super Mario Galaxy and Galaxy 2 ended the Wii’s life cycle with a bang. As for the future of the Switch, the odyssey of a thousand feet begins with one big step.

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