Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Leaked Gameplay and Plot Details (MAJOR SPOILERS)

Jedi Fallen Order Leaked Gameplay

Jedi Fallen Order Screenshot

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is a few days from release, and the embargo lifts a day before release. However, some Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Leaked gameplay footage is already out, with some plot details.

We recommend going in the game blind, and scroll down only if you really want to see the said spoiler details.

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Leaked Gameplay

Dataminers have managed to leak content from the game, including details about planets, and a certain appearance in-game.

A few gamers got the copy early, and have played quite a bit of it, and have already posted their impressions online on several forums. This is, however, the first actual footage.

Yes, you saw that right, not only does this show tons of abilities, but it also shows that rumored dual-bladed lightsaber.

Not only this, but according to data mined content, Darth Vader is indeed in the game, and this screenshot that has surfaced online shows just that.

Darth Vader in Fallen Order

More details include the number of planets you can explore, fully. There are 6 planets in total, that are explorable, and below are the level names.

Umbara and the Inquisitor planets are the two planets in the game that aren’t explorable, according to the datamined content.

Following lightsaber colors have also been revealed, including the following.

This explains why Respawn isn’t offering the usual 10-hour early trial thing to Origin Access members because these gameplay details and plot points can easily be spoiled seemingly early on.

This is a lot to take in, and the game is easily one of our most anticipated titles of the year.

What do you think about all this content? Let us know in the comments below and share your thoughts.

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