Star Wars Battlefront 2 Titan Mode Leaked by Dataminers – Could be A Possible Battlefield 2142 Inspired Mode

Battlefront 2 Titan Mode

A few days ago EA released a new update for Star Wars Battlefront 2 in which one of the most iconic Star Wars character was released, Obi-Wan along with credit requirements. The Geonosis maps, based on the prequel movies were also released in the update. The developers also mentioned on the website that a new mode is also in the works which will be a non-linear Star Wars sandbox experience. In this mode, two teams battle for capture points and to ultimately bring down capital ships. Data miners reveal Battlefront 2 Titan Mode through the game files. Which can be a possible Battlefield 2142 inspired mode.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Titan Mode Leaked by Dataminers

The leak was made on the Battlefront 2 subreddit. The data miner also posted a picture on discord which suggests the new mode will be a Titan mode and if you have played Battlefield 2142 you might be familiar with the name.

Since both of the games, Battlefront 2 and Battlefield 2142 were developed by DICE it will not be surprising if the new Titan Mode is Battlefield 2142 inspired. However, this can be a speculation but what’s the harm in speculation right? Here’s the description of the mode by Wikipedia:

The Titan mode involves players from opposing teams whose objective is to destroy the other team’s Titan while trying to defend their own. Titans are massive, heavily armored, flying warships that have powerful force fields protecting them from enemy intrusion or conventional weapons fire. As the force fields are up during the first part of a battle, players must fight to control the anti-Titan missile silos scattered about the battlefield on the ground. Titans can be moved around the battlefield, but only by the team’s Commander. Each Titan can defend itself and contribute to the fight on the ground with 4 anti-ground guns and 2 anti-aircraft guns. Titan movement can cause latency issues, so some players prefer not to move them at all. Some servers even disable the commander’s ability to move the Titan.

After the shields are down, there are two methods to destroy the enemy, Titan. One way is to simply remain on the ground and hold the anti-Titan missiles until they wear down the hull. A quicker alternative is to board the Titan using “assault pods” launched from an APC (Armored Personnel Carrier), air transport, Titan, or spawn beacon, spawn on your squad leader, or land an air transport on a Titan as a mobile spawn point. Once inside, the players must destroy 4 reactor consoles to gain access to the reactor room. There, they can blow up the reactor and have 30 seconds to flee the Titan before it is destroyed.

The mode will not be exactly the same but might have many elements from the mode. What do you think, what kind of Battlefront 2 Titan Mode would be? Will it be similar to Battlefield 2142 Titan mode? Let us know what do you think down in the comments below.

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