Sexually explicit videos are banned from Vine permanently

Vine the popular free 6 second video sharing app has taken a big step. Some people were using vine to spread sexually explicit videos so Vine has to take this step. It blocked all the sexually explicit videos from their apps and no one will be able to upload any more sexual contents to vine. Company has took this step and made it effective immediately so all such stuff has been removed already from the servers. The company says that it won’t affect 99% of its users.

Vine started to ban the hash-tags to find the videos containing sexual contents a long time ago and now the company has blocked all such videos permanently. The company says that is is not against all “explicit sexual content” but it does not want such content to spread through their app. If you see any sexual content in vine now you can report it as inappropriate through menu. As 99% of users wil not be affected from this change so it is a bad news for other 1% users.

We think it is a very good step taken by the company. What do you think?

Source: Phandroid

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