Samsung Exclusive Screening of Avengers Age of Ultron in CineStar Pakistan

Samsung Marvel Avengers Age of Ultron

On May 2nd 2015, Samsung invited most of Pakistan technology enthusiast and known personalities to the Exclusive screening of Avengers Age of Ultron at CineStar Lahore, Pakistan. The event started around 7PM with blue carpet and display of Samsung Galaxy S6. Around 8PM Age of Ultron was started in IMAX at CineStar. We got our pass one day before thanks to Samsung to see the screen of favorite movie Avengers 2.

Most of the blogger and social activists were present there gossiping and taking selfies with their favorite Comic Hero’s standee. Some popular Pakistani Stars like Noori and Fawwad Khan. Samsung also invited some of Korean Officials too. Gallery was beautifully decorated with Avengers posters on the walls and blue carpet. Event theme was blue so everything looking really nice even people started to enjoy taking selfies in the blue dim light.

Refreshments was also arranged for the attendees before the movie starts. Samsung Galaxy S6 display was looking really gorgeous and we got our hands on S6. You guys probably know about Samsung Galaxy S6 so we will move ahead.  Like others after taking some group selfies and event photos we took our refreshments from the counter and went to IMAX hall. So around 8PM people started sitting in Cinema and ads started. After 10 minutes of movie trailers another short movie played. At first we thought it was Avengers but it was Samsung Avengers Hunt Ad. Movie finished around 10:30PM and people started to going back. Samsung distributed some gifts among the attendees.

Talking about movie it was awesome though some scene looked like missing 3d effect. Have you watched Avengers Age of Ultron? Do share your thoughts with us via comments below.

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