RUMOR: Pokemon Game for Nintendo Switch Will Use Unreal Engine 4 According to Job Posting

RUMOR: Pokemon Game for Nintendo Switch Will Use Unreal Engine 4 According to Job Posting

We knew that the departure of the Nintendo 3DS was imminent as Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were going to be the last Pokemon games for the handheld, but it has been confirmed that a Pokemon Game for Switch is in development. A new job listing on creature’s website reveals that the next game could potentially use Unreal Engine 4, which works like a dream on the Nintendo Switch.

Creatures Inc also known as Ape Inc. has been one of Nintendo’s most revered first-party studios that has been making games for the Nintendo consoles dating all the way back to the Nintendo Entertainment System, with their latest game being Great Detective Pikachu for the Nintendo 3DS.

According to a job posting for a 3D CG Artist, which has an attached screenshot showing Unreal Engine 4 running on the monitors

If you are curious about the contents of the screens, a look at them shows us Unreal Engine 4 broken into different windows, with the right monitor showing the Unreal Engine 4 Materials Blueprint and the left monitor showing the viewport of a model of a Pikachu through a first person camera.

While there is little to no knowledge on the upcoming Pokemon Game for Nintendo Switch, we can hope that the Unreal Engine 4 is utilized for the game as it is much more friendlier on hardware as opposed to the Unreal Engine 3 which was made with heavier hardware consoles in mind.

Nintendo has stated that 2018 is going to be a significant year for Switch exclusives with a Nintendo Direct taking place in January 2018, according to the leaked EA internal documented that circulated a few weeks ago.

We can hope for an official announcement or more details regarding this mysterious Pokemon game in the coming future, but until then, let’s cross our fingers for it being developed on the newer engine.

What do you think NIntendo’s new mystery game could be? Let us know in the comments section below.

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