Rocksteady’s Superman Gameplay Leaked, Potential E3 Announcement?

We are all familiar with the Arkham series of games, a series that helped put everyone’s favorite masked vigilante on the map and perhaps redefined the superhero video game genre, there have been reports in the past that never came to pass, but some new footage might show hope for Rocksteady’s Superman Gameplay Leaked to show us a look at some alpha footage of the game.

As Some Rocksteady’s Superman Gameplay Leaked, Can We Expect An E3 Reveal?

A good Superman game is hard to come by unless we are talking about the absolute masterpiece that was Superman 64. With the departure of Rockstar on the Arkham games with Arkham Knight, Rockstar did say that they were taking on another Superhero IP and while many people would have speculated another masked vigilante, no one would have guessed that it could be a caped crusader.

While a good Superman game can’t be used in one line where Spiderman had Spiderman 2 on the PS2 as the everlasting masterpiece of the web-head, which can be topped by Insomniac games when they release Spider-Man later this year exclusively for the PS4.

Unfortunately, all the adaptations of Superman games never manage to work out or under deliver on the hero, but perhaps where others have failed, Rockstar might be able to strike gold.

I am not the biggest fan of screen captured photos and videos but this is one convincing video which shows Superman cleaning the floor (and ceiling) with who looks like Doomsday.

While there is no way we can confirm that this is indeed a Rocksteady project or not, what’s curious about the footage is how the controller at the top right shows a PS3 controller instead of a PS4 controller which can suggest this is a much earlier build of the game.

Take the footage with a heavy grain of salt, and proceed with caution as E3 arrives at our doors.

What are your thoughts on the footage? Let us know in the comments section below.

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