Red Dead Redemption 2 Homestead Stash Locations Guide

Red Dead Redemption 2 Homestead Stash Locations Guide

Red Dead Redemption 2 has a total of 7 Homestead Stash Locations, but you only need to do 4 out of these 7 to get the Breaking and Entering trophy or achievement. We’ll be going ever all 7 of these locations so you can either do them all, or just 4 for the trophy/achievement. So without wasting any more time, here’s the Red Dead Redemption 2 Homestead Stash Locations Guide.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Homestead Stash Locations Guide

First off, we want to give a huge thanks to PowerPyx for the superb job on the guides, if you want more detail to these guides we recommend you visit his site.

Out of 7, you can easily loot 6 of these Homestead Stashes when you’ve begun Chapter 2 of the game but the one at Willard’s Rest will be available after Chapter 6.

It is recommended that you do these at Chapter 2 because some NPCs will not be available to interrogate for clues.

A major note here is to loot everything at these locations and not just the Homestead Stash because, for some odd reason, the trophy doesn’t always trigger if you haven’t looted everything.

We’ll be going over each location below in our Red Dead Redemption 2 Homestead Stash Locations Guide.

Chez Porter

In Chez Porter, the Stash is located on the upper floor of the barn.

You can loot this place by accepting the Home Robbery task during Chapter 2 or 3 from Javier, who is available at the campsite of your gang. It is possible to go without him, but there’s a chance that the trophy might not trigger.

Once inside the barn, climb on some wood and jump to the haystack on the floor above you and pull yourself up.

The stash contains  2 x $50 and a jewelry bag.

Aberdeen Pig Farm

Upon arriving on this farm, there will be someone sitting on the porch, proceed to greet him, go into the house and rob him and the place.

Make your way out to the house and enter from the southern side of the house, you will find the stash here. The door remains closed till you enter the house with the person sitting on the porch, which is why went inside first with him.

The Stash contains  2 x $20.

Lonnie’s Shack

Inside the Shack are 4 guys, kill 3 of them, and make sure 1 survives, so you can threaten him, he will reveal the location of the Stash.

The location of the Stash will be different depending upon which person survives.

It could be under the pillow of one of the beds or in the sack of grain in the kitchen.

Just make sure not to kill everyone, we recommend making a manual save before this point.

Van Horn Mansion

Visit the villa at night time, and there will be 2 residents here, they will be sleeping on the floor.

Steal the money from their table and make sure to loot everything else as well.

Keep in mind, visiting this location after the story could trigger them to not be present here at all, so make sure to do it during the story and preferably during Chapter 2.

There is no specific Stash here since the loot counts as the Secret Stash.

Catfish Jacksons

Enter the house and there will be either the dad with his son or just the son alone.

You can take the shotgun from the living room and threaten the son to reveal the Stash’s location.

The stash is located at the right side of the entrance, there will be a small hole with a crate inside, interact with it and loot the crate.

You have to loot everything here, the shotgun and the Premium Cigarette Packs from Son’s chest in his room.

Watson’s Cabin

The Waston’s Cabin will have an old lady inside, enter her house and use the ladder to enter the cellar, take the shotgun from her house and leave. Make camp outside and skip the entire day. Go back to her house and there will be 4 more people at the Cabin.

Kill them, and there will be a lockbox on the kitchen table.

The lockbox is the Secret Stash and contains 1 x $73,00.

Willard’s Rest

This is the final location to find the Secret Stash and will only be available after you’ve done the first story mission in Chapter 6.

Upon reaching this place, talk to the resident and tell them how to hunt.

Return 2 days later by making a camp. Come back to her, and challenge her to a shooting contest, and then you can loot her loot box.

After looting any four of the above-mentioned locations, the trophy or achievement “Breaking and Entering” will unlock for you.

So this was the entire Red Dead Redemption 2 Homestead Stash Locations Guide, we hope you didn’t run into any issue with following the guide, if there was some error, please comment below, and keep following TheNerdMag for more Red Dead Redemption 2 Guides on how to get various collectibles and more, like our Legendary Animal Guide.

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