Red Dead Redemption 2 Easter Egg Takes A Jab At Crunch Hour Controversy

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Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game that is currently flying off the shelves in all parts of the world. The game is poised to be Rockstars next big hit, succeeding the legacy that Grand Theft Auto 5 Set. A week prior to its release, there was a major controversy around the game. Unlike most other game releases, there was no relation to the content of the game, rather how the game was made.

When one of the co-founders of the studio accidentally stated in an interview that the team put 100’s of hours of work every week into the game, the internet exploded. Publications everywhere were talking about how Rockstar was treating employees like slaves with forcing employees to work overtime. Conflicting reports were coming in when Rockstar let employees talk on social media to tell the public that working at Rockstar is anything but like working in an iPhone factory in China.

Whichever side of the story you choose to follow. A Rockstar developer may have hidden a secret joke or maybe a reference to the controversy. Found in the flavor text of “The Frontier Revolver”.

The text reads:

“It is made by the skilled laborers who work tireless hours each week and on the weekends for little pay in order to bring you the finest revolver in the field today.”

Whether you want to chalk this up to being an easter egg, a joke, or otherwise. This still is a good reference to the whole incident. The finding was made by user obZenDF on Reddit and the post is currently viral with 21k upvotes.

Many users are chiming in and saying that people are reading too much into the text and the sentence is merely a reflection of the deplorable working conditions of the labor class in 1899. Other users are wondering if the text was intentional or unintentional, and whether it will be removed from the game in a later patch? Rockstar has always been one for in your face humor, so maybe they will let this reference stay in without any interference from patches.

What are your thoughts on the text? Let us know in the comments section below.

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