PUBG Desert Map Named – Miramar: First Details and Screenshots Revealed

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PlayUnknown’s BattleGrounds, better known as PUBG is the hottest game for PC gamers, and soon will be for Xbox One Gamers. PUBG Desert Map has been a talk of the town for a while now and the community is ecstatic over it.

The new desert map has been named, with details released and screenshots showing the gorgeous location, where players will be fighting for their lives in a Battle Royale setting.

You can see from the above screenshots that the game is indeed beautiful, and the official steam community announcement for the game has also released the following details regarding the various locations on the map to fight for their lives.

The new map still doesn’t have a release date, but Bluehole has promised that the game will be playable before 1.0. You can read the full post here.

We are excited beyond words that we can finally share the name of our new desert map and tell you a little bit about some of the places you can visit. When we decided to create a new map, we focused on creating an environment that is very different from Erangel. We wanted to go the opposite direction of having lush fields and forests and arrived at the harsh and unforgiving desert of what we can now reveal is Miramar. The unique terrain and dense urban areas of Miramar will create a new Battle Royale experience where the old strategies may no longer work and new tactics are required. We don’t want to tell you too much as you will soon be able to experience it all yourself but we did write a few short descriptions of several of the key landmarks and towns. You can find them below, together with the new screenshots.

These aren’t the only fun places to visit, of course, but you will have to discover the rest of them on your own. Miramar will be playable during the final test round before PUBG hits version 1.0. When you get your hands on it, you can share your favorite moments, top plays and beautiful vistas from Miramar with us on Twitter and Facebook using

You can see that this is a momentous occassion for the company, and they are very ecstatic on the new map. Let us konw your thoughts on the map and if you plan on playing it with your squad.


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