Pokémon GO 0.141.0 Update Brings Ability to Delete Raid Passes

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The latest Pokemon GO 0.141.0 Update allows users to delete their raid passes, while many people see this as unneeded, it is useful for people who have nothing but raid passes taking up their inventory space. Be careful though, as once you delete a raid pass, there is no way of getting it back!

Pokémon GO 0.141.0 – A Farewell to Raids

While not directly mentioned in the update that went live a few hours ago, Raid passes can now be deleted from your inventory in Pokemon GO.

What are raids and why are they important?

Raids span from all hours of morning to nighttime and provide an opportunity to battle and capture a certain Pokémon.

Raids are categorized in five tiers: the first two tiers feature easily defeated creatures while Tiers 3, 4, and 5 require teamwork to complete. Tier 5 is reserved for Legendary Pokémon, very powerful monsters that boast strong Combat Power.

In order to participate in a Raid Battle, players will see a “Raid Egg” pop in any preexisting Gym (these are landmarks or notable locations). The Egg will have a countdown timer of 60 minutes, giving players enough time to gather up their friends or other players in the area to work together and take down the foe. When the Egg reaches the end of the timer, it will hatch and reveal the Pokémon inside. April is the month of the Distortion World’s Giratina so all Tier 5 Eggs will feature the banished Pokémon.

Raid Passes are a consumable item that allows the player to participate in the Raid battle. Every day, the player is given a free Raid Pass from interacting with a Gym and that Pass can be used on any Raid for that day. These passes are colored orange. If a player has used their free daily Pass but wishes to continue battling Raids, they can purchase Premium Raid Passes from the online store. These Passes are colored green and cost 100 PokeCoins (or $1USD).

Most players take advantage of Box Sales, periodic events that bundle items for a lower price. Most Boxes include Premium Raid Passes, Star Pieces, Lucky Eggs, and Egg Incubators. While buying in bulk may benefit some players, there is a problem that many bucolic trainers have come across.

Items like Premium Raid Passes take up slots in your item inventory, the management of all items like PokeBalls and Potions. The growing number of complaints stem from two groups of players: 1) working trainers who cannot leave their jobs during the Raid hours and 2) rural players who do not have Gyms to host Raid battles. Since they have no way to use their bulk Passes, the item takes up space in their bag that can be used for other consumables.

Niantic has finally addressed the issue by giving trainers the ability to delete Premium Raid Passes from their storage in the latest 0.141.0 app update. With this new version, players have the choice to remove Passes from their bags. While it may help those who complained before, I imagine accidental deletion may become the next topic of Pokémon Go player discontent.

The update has also reportedly broken friends lists, which is being reported by a lot of users. Hopefully, Niantic rolls out a hotfix for the latter as friends list is now an integral part of the game experience.


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