PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds Xbox One Gameplay Shows A Passable Port

PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds Xbox One Gameplay

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGround was recently announced for the Xbox One, with support for the Xbox One X, the game is out early for some users but Bluehole is acting quick to take down streamers from showing the game, we however acquired some exclusive footage from a Mixer stream and are giving you a first look at PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds Xbox One Gameplay.

If you are in the dark about PlayerUnknowns BattleGrounds, better known as PUBG in the gaming community, then you are missing out on one of 2017’s biggest hits that has gone on to be cloned by Warface and Fortnite, with plenty of other developers planning on how to replicate the successful formula of the Battle Royale based survival game.

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds Xbox One Gameplay

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds Match Making Xbox One

The Xbox One version of the game has been going out early for some players, and while the Banhammer is going all around the internet, much like WW2, you can never really keep gameplay down unless you prevent players from playing with a massive patch.

Players in New Zealand are always first to have games unlock early for them, so it comes as no surprise that Xbox One players from New Zealand have early unlock of the game and are streaming it on alternative sites to Twitch.

The biggest weakness of the game comes down to the very muddy textures for the outdoors, and draw distance being the biggest culprits. Keep in mind that this is the Xbox One version of the game, with the Xbox One X version promising 4k and 60 FPS, while the Xbox One and Xbox One S will run the game at 30 FPS with the resolution being speculated to be sub 1080p, which is disappointing.

Hopefully, when Xbox One X gameplay goes live, with the update that promises HDR, 4K and 60 FPS, we will be sure to report back, in the meanwhile, if you have been looking forward to the game, there is no reason for you to turn this port away, considering the game is more or less running on par with the PC version in terms of performance (low fps and mixed graphics settings galore!)

What are your thoughts on the Xbox One version of the game? Let us know in the comments section below.

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