How to play Miramar Map on PUBG Mobile in Any Region

PUBG Mobile 0.5.1 Chinese APK

PUBG Mobile 0.5.1 Miramir Map

The Miramar Map is available to play on PUBG Mobile 0.5.1, but to access that game version you need to be in China, which is a bummer, but fret not, we have a method that will allow you to play Miramar Map on PUBG Mobile, check out the method below.

Play Miramar Map on PUBG MOBILE in any region

This method is for iOS currently.

As always, use these methods with extreme caution and follow the steps as mentioned below.

  1. Log out of your current Apple ID.
  2. Create a new Apple ID and set China as your region.
  3. Run PUBG Mobile.
  4. The map will not be available initially but when you play one game in the previous map, the map will automatically unlock.
  5. Be sure to follow Step 1 for this to work.

And that’s about it, this way you can play Play Miramar Map on PUBG Mobile.

PUBG Mobile Graphics

This method not only unlocks the Miramar map but also two new game modes as well which are

It’s strange that every other country other than China isn’t getting regular updates, these updates not only include new game features but proper mechanics that are vital for players that take the game seriously, these also include performance fixes to get a much smoother gameplay and overall battle royale experience on your phone.

PUBG Mobile

If you’re on Android and are having issues with performance, net-code or framrate, take a look at this guide, which details everything you need to do to get better performance on PUBG Mobile for Android.

With more games like Fortnite dominating the mobile market, PUBG really needs to make updates global so that more and more users can try out the one that started it all.

Did you try this method? Share your results below and keep following TNM for mode PUBG related news, guides and fixes.


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