Person of Interest Season 4 Sneak Peek

Person of Interest’s World is now definitely changed as the Samaritan AI machine is now fully functional and online in full force. Samaritan has gained access of the whole country and is now backed by large force including government.

This video highlights Season 3 Samaritan take over and Season 4 world. The team has been assigned new identities as normal citizens by The Machine to hide in plain sight from the Samaritan. Finch is now school professor while Reese is a FBI agent. Root and Shaw are make-up artists. These new identities have been assigned by the Machines which show it has sense of humor too.

Greer is confident that Finch and his team are no longer of any concern and Samaritan will find them soon. This Person of interest Season 4 video also tells that Machine is giving numbers as usual and Reese is concerned about them. Reese forces Finch Harold to rejoin.

Person of Interest Season 4 Sneak Peek also points about the Greer have full access to Samaritan or not. Also Root warns Finch this is becoming War which he has to fight and survive.  The Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 1 will be aired on 23rd September, 2014.

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