Nvidia Drivers – 388.71 vs 388.59 shows improved PUBG 1.0 Performance

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If you have been wondering about PUBG 1.0 Nvidia Performance – 388.71 vs 388.59, then your hunt is over.

PlayerUnkonwn BattleGrounds better known to the gaming world as PUBG, recently went to its live version of 1.0 on the PC, with the Xbox One version to soon follow suit, after being in early access for almost a year.

Nvidia also readied Nvidia GameReady drivers for just the occassion, so you know your GPU is up for the challenge!

PUBG 1.0 Nvidia Performance- Which is Better?

There are reports that 1.0 has significantly boosted the performance of the game, and while the drivers are important, 388.71 does make some noticable difference in performance, if you have an eye for it.

Courtesy of Reddit

Keep in mind that the Reddit thread this chart has been taken from does not mention system specs, resolution, or any other details such as number of people on the screen, the scenario that the frames were recorded in, and other data.

The PUBG forums are saying that 1.0 has helped with the performance, but there is still stuttering and other minor problems aplenty that stem from server side issues or still optimization issues.

PUBG has been making quite a name for itself, particularly on the Xbox One, where it shines best on the Xbox One X and the recent patches have helped boost the performance of the game significantly.

The question does come down to if Bluehole, the developers of the game plan on fixing the games issues once and for all, as the issues of the early access have carried over with the final release of the game, but continue to annoy the players, even those with high-end gaming systems are facing issues

While PUBG is still racking up numbers, with a cumulative of 30 million on PC and Xbox One, we can only wait and see if the company has plans to improve the game further as we enter a new year.

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