Nikhil ‘forsaken’ Kumawat Apologizes in Interview – Future with CS is Unclear


We reported earlier on an incident where a member of Optic India for a CS: GO LAN tournament was caught cheating, Nikhil ‘forsaken’ Kumawat gave an interview with AFKGaming where he expresses immense regret over his actions and how it caused his team to suffer consequences because of his actions. Nikhil has stated that the future with CS is uncertain and that he needs some time to reflect on his actions.


In the interview, Nikhil states that the hacks were there to make sure his shots hit as he already had bad aiming, but the hacks made sure the accuracy was on-point. He also talks about the video where he is caught by the management and resisting his PC getting checked. He claims that he panicked when he discovered the admin had found his hacks and tried to close the window.

Nikhil ‘forsaken’ Kumawat Defends His Use of Hacks

He affirms that no one except for him had knowledge about the hacks and he worked on his own accord, but doing so has jeopardized the future of his teammates and brought their skill validity into question as well. Rather than expressing remorse over the hack, he wishes he never played CS in the first place as it never brought him any good.

All in all, He is just doing damage control at this point and still finds a way to justify the hacks. Rather than admitting that he shouldn’t have activated them in the first place and justified them as tools to help him win games, this is a good day for competitive gaming as e-sports has no room for cheaters on the platform, more so for cheaters who don’t even have a conscience that they wish they could delete an entire game from their memory rather than wish they hadn’t hacked in the first place.

As I already said it only gave me a slight advantage in terms of accuracy, precision and better registry of bullets so it was not visible to people observing me outside the game.

You can see him protecting the decision to use hacks and even says that the hacks gave him a ‘slight advantage’ which is a joke in itself for someone who relied on Hacks as a crutch.

All in All, let’s hope He finds a better place for his gaming ‘talents’ and tries to stay out of the competitive scene.

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