More Info Coming on Anthem Javelins including Interceptor and Storm abilities tomorrow

Anthem Javelins

Anthem The Game

Anthem is the upcoming EA open world game with a gorgeous world and interesting new mechanics. In it, you enter Exo suits and explore the dangerous, vibrant and beautiful landscape as a freelance explorer. You take on various enemies and bosses and much more. It is an Online Multiplayer RPG so you will almost always be playing with other players. If you want to change things up, you can always play single player mode too. The above-mentioned Exo suits are fully customizable as the game progresses. These Exo suits are called Javelins. According to the lead producer, new information about Anthem Javelins is coming tomorrow!

This reveal was made via the following Twitter thread:

In the Twitter thread, a fan asks when they will get new information on Interceptor and Storm Javelins. The lead producer Ben Irving asks “When would you like more info?”, to which the other lead producer Micheal Gamble replies “Tomorrow, Ben.” So perhaps this means we will see more information about Storm and Javelin tomorrow? We’ll have to wait and see. In the meanwhile, you can read our article on a host of Anthem Gameplay and Demo Details here.

Anthem Javelins: What we know about Storm and Interceptor

Storm is closest to what would be a mage. It has high elemental power and minimal armor. Storm has the power of Kinesis. Giving the pilot a host of abilities. Some of which are detailed below:

Storm Javelin Exosuit Features

Hover: By manipulating kinetic energy, the Storm is able to maintain a low hover and remain mobile and combat-effective while in mid-air. This allows the pilot to keep a distance from their enemies and keep a clear vantage point over the entire battle.

Teleportation: With its incredible command of kinesis abilities, the Storm can maneuver in the air, moving through space instantaneously to arrive at a new position nearby, evading its enemies.

Read more about Storm on the official website.

The details on the Interceptor Javelin abilities are still not revealed. But we do know that it is the most agile Javelin.

Interceptor Javelin Exosuit Features

The Interceptors specialty lies in that it can get close and do melee combat and then dash away before the enemy has a chance to react. This makes it very similar to an assassin class. It is said to have low armor but a host of devastating abilities. It can also weaken the enemy significantly.

Are you excited about the news tomorrow about the Anthem Javelins? Do you think there’s even gonna be news or are Ben and Micheal just having a bit of fun? Let us know in the comments below!

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