Monster Hunter: World – Elder Dragons, Free DLC, Beta and PC release

Monster Hunter: World is set to release on January 24th, 2018 on PS4 and Xbox One while a Windows version is set to be released later this year.

Monster Hunter: World – Elder Dragons

Now we get a look at the elder dragons as well as the first free dlc monster Deviljho that is set to release this Capcom has promised that they will constantly be adding content to the game and look forward to players exploring the world in its entirety.

From Capcom

The steel dragon Kushala Daora is a beast with a body covered in metal plates and has the power to keep hunters at bay by generating wind storms around itself. The flame king dragon Teostra is a brutal fiend that spits blazing fire and any hunter who faces this fierce and deadly monster is in danger of being engulfed in a hellish inferno. Another monster introduced in the trailer is Dodogama, a rock-eating wyvern that possesses a unique saliva that causes rock to become explosive, a hazardous mix it will spit at its foes to warn off attackers.

The trailer showcases beautiful landscapes from mountainous regions to fiery pits and dense jungles, various up close shots of monsters, massive dragons,a lot of characters and a good amount of gameplay showing combat with multiple monsters. From what Capcom has been showing, it’s safe to assume that the game is packed with a decent amount of content and a world where players will be spending quite some time in.

Third and final Beta

Capcom has conducted two betas and has been collecting feedback continuously. They have announced that a third beta will go live from January 19-22 so that they can further test the game and make sure it is in the best possible form before launch. The upcoming beta will keep the hunts seen in the previous two for Jagras, Anjanath and Barroth, and also add a new quest to hunt the Nergigante.

PC Release

While the PC version had been announced with the game, there was no clear indication when the game was coming out, however today Capcom has finally confirmed that it is optimizing the game and making it ready for the pc and is set to launch in autumn.

In a video message, Monster Hunter World’s producer, Ryozo Tsujimoto, thanked PC players for their patience, saying that more details would be be revealed “later”.

With only a few days to release, fans are hyped for the game and pc gamers are patient as ever to finally dive into the beloved franchise’s rich world. Are you excited for Monster Hunter: World? Let us know in the comments below.

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