Here is the Microsoft’s first Nokia ad

Microsoft has now officially acquired Nokia’s smartphone unit. From today, about 25000 Nokia employees will become Microsoft employees. We have been observing some tweets and statuses on social sites by these employees. While some are posting their selfies with new badges, the others are discussing this big acquisition deal.

But, Microsoft does not want to miss even a single day. Microsoft has amazed everyone by bringing its first Nokia ad. You definitely want to see that ad. Here it is:

As you can see, Microsoft has used a new branding. The new branding terms as: not like everybody else. The Nokia ad shows how Windows Phone devices are better than its competitions. The ad is not as much interesting as were previous Nokia ads. But definitely, it’s the first Nokia ad from Microsoft. However, we can expect a lot getting innovate in coming weeks

Do you like this Microsoft’s Nokia ad? Tell us in your comments below.

Source: Nokia Conversations

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