Microsoft will unleash DirectX 12 At GDC 2014

Microsoft is planning to release its new gaming API the DirectX 12 this year. Microsoft has confirmed the new platform via a page on DirectX blog as well as posting in the event’s session schedule. Microsoft will unleash the new DirectX at Games Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco, which in being held on March 20th, 2014. The company discussed how it is planning to provide better tools for developers, added performance, and support for an “unparalleled assortment of hardware,” and it specificaly mentioned  PCs, Tablets, Phones and Consoles.

This will be a major leap from DirectX 11 to DirectX 12 which was released in 2008. DirectX 11 opened new paths for gaming that time providing richer and better environment and graphics for all new experience. Now as DirectX 12 is being released so it will open even more new paths for next generation gaming. As new consoles are already launched last year for next generation gaming and both of them (PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) are DirectX 11. So Microsoft is taking PC gaming to a whole new level where even more beautiful graphics would be possible to feel like you are gaming in real life. Now developers need to start work on games that will be DirectX 12 compatible so that gamers can take full advantage of Microsoft’s new technology. Microsoft left a very beautiful statement as well.

“You asked us to bring you even closer to the metal . . . so that you can squeeze every last drop of performance out of your PC, tablet, phone and console. . . Come learn our plans to deliver.”

Are you excited for next generation gaming?

Source: Microsoft

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