Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Announced at The Game Awards 2018, Releasing in 2019

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 TGA 2018-2

The Game Awards 2018 is here bringing us all of the exciting new trailers and awards for different categories like Best Multiplayer game, Game of the Year etc. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 at The Game Awards just got announced and will be released exclusively for Nintendo Switch coming in 2019.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 At The Game Awards 2018

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 was just announced at The Game Awards 2018 showing us the gameplay of the game. The game will have many Marvel villains and you get to defeat them from a pool of huge Marvel heroes. From Spiderman to Thor, Hulk, and Wolverine. The game is Nintendo Switch exclusive. Check out the trailer down below

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 gets it’s new The Game Awards trailer:

Here is the official trailer for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 for Nintendo Switch at The Game Awards 2018

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Release Date:

The game is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2019. Let us know what do you think about this reveal in the comments below.


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