This new device Legion Meter will charge your smartphone 92% faster [Video]

Legion Meter Charger Iphone

In a world where we are constantly hanging around with our electronic devices we need them to be charged up at all times. When we are using our mobile its battery is used exponentially. Even we are not using our phones, there some other device we are playing the latest hot game on. If noticed, there is always something being charged in our home. Even the one I am using right now is being charged. To give a solution to that problem, we give you the Legion Meter.

With this device you won’t have to wait all day long to come back to home and plug in your chargers or use your laptop as the charger. The Kickstarter project is hoping to minimize the time tablets and smartphones require to charge. The Legion Meter is just looks like the same as a USB/Flashdrive from the outside. Like the simple way of connecting itself to the USB port and making theother end as a host for a USB cable.

In between the little box, the Legion Meter works its magic like none other. There is probably some hi-tech engineering being processed in the middle. But that is none of our concern. All that matters is that it does something beautiful and charges your device up to 92% faster.

The upshots of the Legion Meter is that it acts as if it is a wall outlet charger. That means the normal iPad timing would take about 2-3 hours to charge completely and will give the appropriate time of the battery.  As most of us know that the iPad and other tablets do not charge on ordinary laptop USB ports due to battery and power shortage.

And most of you who do not know what the device looks like, the device hosts a screen that displays what the device is currently outputting. It shows as what is going underneath the hood of the device. Here is the video of the Legion Meter,

The device is priced at $49. The price is relatively economical compared to the advantage it provides. Let us know your views on the Legion Meter in the comment section below.

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