Legend of Zelda Wii U Tech Demo Remade in Unreal Engine 4 Is a Work of Wonder!

legend of zelda wii u tech demo unreal engine 4

Fan does what Nintendidn’t with a Legend of Zelda Wii U Tech Demo

In 2011, when the Legend of Zelda Wii U Tech Demo was first shown, we were presented with a dazzling tech demo of a potential Legend of Zelda game.

It had been 6 years since Zelda got its last home console release with Twilight Princess – so fans and critics alike were intrigued with the potential powers of the Wii U based on what they saw on the year’s E3 trailer.

It would take 6 years (and the release of Skyward Sword – the November 2011 prologue to the Zelda series) before the Nintendo Wii U would finally fulfill the promise of its E3 trailer in the form of The Breath of the Wild.

The game shared a simultaneous release with the newly minted Nintendo Switch.While many fans had waited for years on end for the tech demo shown on that fateful E3 to reach fruition, they were only met with disappointment when they realized the reality before them.

While many fans had waited for years on end for the tech demo shown on that fateful E3 to reach fruition, they were only met with disappointment when they realized the reality before them.

More to come?

However, the tide of public opinion changed when a YouTuber by the name of Aklar_45 remade that same demo with the power of Unreal Engine 4, giving the tech demo some much-needed attention once more!


And if his description of the video is anything for us to go on, we can count on some more content featuring Ganondorf!

Even though the demo is exclusive to the PC and has no way of being played on any Nintendo consoles, it is relatively easy to find ways to play the game with the help of a controller.

If you wish to try out this Armogohma battle in Unreal for yourself, you can download it here for free.

Considering Nintendo’s track record for anything fan created, we highly recommend you download this ASAP before it gets taken down, although mirror links are sure to be aplenty by the time of posting this.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments and whether you have played the demo!

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