iOS 7 Beta 6 fixes iTunes bugs

Last week on the same day Thursday, Apple seeded iOS 7 Beta 6 to the developers.  The release was made 4 days before the expected date of release of iOS 7 Beta 6. It seems that Apple is copping up the delay caused earlier due to the issues in Apple Dev. Centre.  However it is revealed that iOS 7 Beta 6 comes up with a small urgent update.

It was observed that while using iOS 7 Beta 5, some developers were seeing the purchases Download or Play unexpected items. Apple seems to fix the main issue by offering iOS 7 Beta 6. This beta enables you to download a configuration file that resets your Media Library.

Moreover, iOS 7 Beta 6 also includes the development versions of Male and Female Siri voices. Now you can select the responses of SIRI either in Male or Female voice. It also includes some bug fixes that will facilitate the technical difficulties of developers.

Here is the procedure to update to iOS 7 Beta 6:

This early release also shows that it may not be the last beta version of iOS 7. And we may expect Apple to seed a new beta version in upcoming days before the official release of iOS 7.

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