How to Skip Halo Reach Intro Videos on PC (Steam and Game Pass)

Skip Halo Reach Intro Videos

Halo Reach

Halo Reach is finally available on PC via both Steam and Xbox Game Pass. This is the first title to be released as part of the Halo The Master Chief Collection on PC. If you want to skip Halo Reach Intro Videos, here’s how you can do it.

The game is currently the top seller on Steam, and we’re very happy that PC players can finally experience the franchise at 4K60FPS.

Skip Halo Reach Intro Videos on PC

To do this, follow the steps below.


This will completely skip the opening video of Halo, and get you straight into the action.

Keep in mind that with updates, you might have to do this again.

Latest Drivers for Halo Reach

Make sure you have the latest drivers installed for this title

Halo Reach PC System Requirements

343 industries have shared detail system requirements, average framerate, and resolutions for Halo Reach.

Minimum Specifications for AMD

Minimum Specifications for NVIDIA

Minimum Specifications for AMD at 1080p

Minimum Specifications for NVIDIA at 1080p

Minimum Specifications for AMD at 4K

Minimum Specifications for AMD at 4K

Get the game on Steam here.

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